We traveled from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM) all the way to Kerteh, Terengganu, stayed a night at TATI and have a visit to Pertonas Cari Gali there. Next, we heading to Shah Alam, Gas Malaysia and have a tour all around Shah Alam visiting city gate and stations at road side. Proceed, we heading to Port Dickson and planned to stayed a night at beach but fail due to the weather that night. And we all ended up staying at Apartment at Port Dickson.
We did not ended at Port Dickson but continue our journey to Melaka after visiting ExxonMobil at Port Dickson. Our last destination is Petronas Refinery Melaka. Having bus tour to the "Balai Cerap" for better view of the plant. This program is quite challenging part for me because a lot of problems occur and let me learned a lot through this program.
This is one of the food that i eat in Kuala Lumpur.. Quite nice.. thump up.. located at Pavilion..hehe.. still got plenty but just allow me to show this..hehe... yummy yummy...
Right after arrive Miri, i plan to buy a cake for my brother as 3 May was his birthday. Im happy to see him so happy during the singing and cutting cake moment. Wish the best for my family. I love you all..
Arrive Miri of course i cant forget my dearest brothers and sister, NAMRRAFF forever. Hang out with Bro Ddie and Roddy on Tuesday and Wednesday Night. Watch Iron Man 2 for 2 times. Gosh... But both not bored because watching it together with those i cared the most.
Of course not forgetting my dearest ex classmates. Study together since Primary School until the end of Form5. Leaders of the school for once together with them, bringing the school to another level with our lead. yeah... Having dinner and walk with them was so damn cool.. so many things to chat. Cerita dahulu kala....
Actually my ticket coming back to Miri was bought by my mum with the intention of celebrating Mother's Day in Miri. But ended up, she didnt come back this time. Hurm... This flower bought by Me and my sister for our beloved grandmother. Happy Mother's Day to all those been called Mother.

And i believe the most important part of my life all happen here. Its happen in 3 May 2010 at LCCT. A person appear to my life and make my heart melt. A person that appear and conquer my heart and reserved. A person that appear that make me fall in love. A person that appear that make me have the reason to change and be the best just for you. A smile that conquer everything. I love you so much dear........ Suratan atau Kebetulan?? semuanya jodoh...
Forever ever i will remember 3 May 2010 as my anniversary of loving you.