Back to the vacation, depart from miri and arrive Brunei at 8 something and then we went to the brunei education department.. Wow that was a great building there.
Then, they did bring to walk around brunei and i did when to two musuem, floating village and round the city.. bad thing is the park that i want to go alraedy closed down. So sad... neway, i really having a nice trip but tiring trip. One day trip.
After round the town, we went to Brunei International Airport to fetch aunt and her daughter.
then, we went to having our lunch once again with them. Miri here we come back. One the way got roadblock lar.. haha.. so funny they stopped us and ask us to take off the tinted glass plastic. HAha..
After arrive miri, i straight away chatting as one day didnt chat already. haah..
I didnt take my rest and straight away when to the dinner at Dynasty Hotel. Guess what, i meet Shun Jie there.. Haha.. Back from the dinner, Auntie did give me the present she buys from Sepanyol.. Wow that great....