My very first event after enter UTM is our annual GESS Camp 2010 with the title of "Kem Tautan Kasih'10" organized by my beloved juniors lead by Akmal; junior from Miri same hometown with me.
Introducing PM. Dr. Zainal Zakaria (yellow stripes), me from the left, Siti Radhiah, Daphne, Epol and Hakim; members of 3 SKG. Dr. Zainal, one of Gas Department lecture who always support our programs. Most of the program organized launch by Him. Kind and great person after knowing him better during our Industry Visit 2010 to Kerteh, Shah Alam, Port Dickson and Melaka during last holiday.
Daphne, Akmal, Radi, Nelson, Azureen and Shu (3-SKG) and girl in red is one of my beloved junior, Carol a.k.a Speaker of the Year. Hax3... dont angry ya if you saw this... Quite enjoy our camping this time even its bored without beaches and interesting place. But the most important things is the unforgettable memories that cant bought with money.
But during our last day after taking group photo, I manage to says some words to them on the purposes and great reasons will we doing so. Learned great lessons even from simple games and tricks. This is the reality in life...
Our last day in Kaizen Camp... Treasure all the moments that i have just with you guys during this four years of studies.
Our SKG group photo during the last day of the camp.. From 1-SKG until 4-SKG.. even our super senior is also here with us.. Practice this type of spirit.. I hope that GESS can move to another level like SPE do... Brighter future is waiting for us.. A journey of thousand miles starting with a single step.. So family of GESS, take this very first step and meet up after thousand miles.

Start having laboratory works... This semester taking two labs in same day.. Fluid Mechanics lab and Separation Process 1 lab.. Both on the same day.. gonna kills me hard this time...
Even im busy with all my works in university, but i will never forget about you.. My time will be allocated wisely for my study and for my only one.. I love you much.... Be with me till the end.....
With Love,
Nelson Chan Vui Kit
22 July 2010