Jamuan Raya GESS 2009
1 October 2009, a history in my life and this might be the history for Gas Engineering Student Society(GESS) history. A total of 170++ GESS society members attending this event what we call Jamuan Raya GESS 2009 which been held in Dewan Serbaguna KTDI. This event doesn't have it own proper committee members but i was part of the organizer. Its was quite disappointed as only 1 lecturer who attend our night. I really pray that this wouldnt happen during our GESS Night 2010. This was also the first time i wear baju Melayu.
In this pic was Saufi, Epol, me, L and my junior. this pic taken after the event was over. I was really happy although i didnt eat much that night. However, the memories that i have not only cost me RM5 but more than that. I had been bought buy someone to sing a song with Ashwene.
This was bunch of my beloved coursemates. Without them in my university life, i wasnt be so happy and cheerful as i am now. Without them, i always discouraged.
Before we went back from the event, everyone was joke around and chit chatting around and some was karaoke-ing. I was busying taking pictures of the night.
Hah.. Come to this picture. On my left was Hakim and my right, my dear Baboon.. Wakaka... From the beginning of my entry into UTM until now, he was my closest friend of all. I really hope this never ends until graduation and still hope can continue to keep in contact even in working world already one day.
Representing, the Putera-Puteri SKG. Cun yang cun, handsome yang handsome, cantik yang cantik. We are one family in SKG and without u guys, this wasnt a good organization.
Not forgetting also, this was a bunch of my beloved juniors. So coincidentally we all wear almost the same style attire.
He come my handsome junior. Hehe.. He was the first person to called me Handsome in the beginning. I was so shock but i just layan him lo. But now that calling already gone. Back to normal. However, even he didnt mean it, but at least i was once been called so. That already more than enough for me.
Hafizi, one of my handsome junior. Hurm. Really close with us before and now one by one take off the foot from our memories. Yes i believe they have the own life too. But i really wish that we all senior and juniors still can be as close as before.
Last but not least, my partner of the night. Hehe... Just for that night. To usher our beloved lecturer to the dinner room.
That night was really a happening night for me although i feel disappointed with some lecturers. But i believe everything gotta be more better than each time of organization of any events been held. All the best. Idup GESS....
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